Saturday 27 May 2017

Problems with 'transgender'

I recently came across this article:
A trans adult speaks out against gender indoctrination of children.

Well worth a read right to the end.

People like Jenn Smith need to be supported and encouraged to raise their voice. They are part of a minority of rationally-thinking LGBT people who see through the ideological bias to the practical problems.

The UK will not be an 'LGBT utopia'... certainly not in the next few decades, if ever. Serious indoctrination would be needed, and they are trying: in the name of 'tolerance' and 'equality'. And yet, the loudest voices of the LGBT community are trying to push forward their agenda without regard to the damage that is being left in their wake.

Seriously, read the article above.

From the "About Us" section of the Transgender Trend website:
Over the past few years there has been a global rise in the number of children referred to gender clinics. There is no reliable scientific basis for the diagnosis of transgender, nor long-term research on the outcome of treatments. Setting children off on a path towards medicalisation with irreversible life-long effects is an experiment which has no precedent.

In my opinion, it's actually child abuse.

If you haven't already, read the article above.

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